Pop and Jo's Wedding

A Lawrence Family

Dedicated to the memory of Pop and Jo
Arthur Poole Lawrence and Amy Moxon Lawrence (née Beck)

This site aims to assist the study of and research into the Lawrence family.
It contains information about Pop and Jo, their ancestors and descendants, including


Where possible, for pictures older than 30 years, people are identified
The genealogy includes only the names of the deceased and people who are over 50 years
Dates are only provided for the deceased

Except where third party copyright is indicated, all website content is covered by the GNU Free Documentation License.

This site is maintained by Peter Anderson and moderated by
Susan Gribben, David Hume, Amanda Lawrence and John Lawrence

If you have any suggestions, compliments, questions or complaints

please contact one of the moderators or
Email : webmanager@ALawrenceFamily.net
or access our Bulletin Board

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